A growing library of adaptable design assets and content

The Making Open content and design kit is a collection of illustrations, concept maps, explainers, messages, narratives, templates, presentation decks, guides, and much more.

We’ve crafted designs and messages to help people understand and engage with different open government initiatives.

We give you a place to start building your narrative.

A modular design system, you will be able to pick and mix, plug and play the designs, messages, and stories you need. You will be able to add your own branding, colours, and content.

Our storytelling guides help advocates and changemakers connect with different audiences for better engagement and outcomes.

Take your audience on a journey

The Making Open content takes you and your audience from novice to champion and helps implementation teams connect with technical expertise.

some Topics we cover

A multi-layered isographic infographic that uses a waterfall motif and floating layers to visually represent the ways revenues and taxes flow through governments throughout businesses and communities.


"Open contracting and procurement is something that we would like to focus more on.

It’s really helpful that Making Open provided messages to help me communicate this.

The illustrations are very clear and practical."

An open procurement process pathway with every step symbolised by an icon and further categorised into: “Commitments”, “Decisions” and “Delivery”, to show opportunities for “Participation”, “Transparency”, and “Access to information”, respectively.

A grid of six collage icons represent elements of financial transparency showing that it is more than just the money and involves: revenues, spending, processes, contracts, people and influence.

“This is amazingly helpful.

When I was doing this type of public policy work and I was part of let's say budget transparency, what would have helped me was pairing these messages, but also the journey of how to craft the message itself.

That's something I learned the hard way.”

If you are interested in Making Open we’d love to hear from you.